The method of bleaching the eyebrows naturally methods and with modern technical

the method of bleaching the eyebrows using traditional methods at home or modern methods, all of which seek to find solutions to the thick eyebrows with an annoying appearance or to change the color of the eyebrows in proportion to the color of the hair and eyelashes,
the method of bleaching the eyebrows at home in simple ways, even if it is safe and effective except One of its disadvantages is that it does not last long and we need to repeat the bleaching process many times. Now we know the best modern techniques for bleaching the eyebrows, which help the bleaching last for a longer period and in easy and safe ways at the same time.
The method of bleaching the eyebrows naturally,
there are many methods that can be implemented at home to obtain the bleaching of the eyebrows, through the use of makeup or bleaching powder daily, as it gives blonde hair accurately and easily, and
there are many ingredients for bleaching the eyebrows that can be used and adopted in the method of bleaching and dyeing the eyebrows, such as:
- Lemon spoonful of honey and leave it on the eyebrows for a third of an hour, then rinse.
- spoonful
- ahour
- use an eyebrow gel in a simple color, then shade the eyebrows, and color the eyebrows in the blonde color you want by using a dark gray pen to get a new glow of color. To
- give the eyebrows a light color, you can bleach them easily and without damage. Use hydrogen peroxide 3% on a piece of cotton and wipe the eyebrows with it daily And you will gradually get a blond color
- with lemon juice, as your permanent use of lemon juice by wiping the eyebrows with it gives a gradually blond color.
- You can use a bleaching agent added to Vaseline and then paint the eyebrows with it.
The best transparent eyebrow
bleaching powder Some creams have appeared that contain unique whitening formulas, such as transparent eyebrow bleaching powder, and they have an easy and quick effect in The use
is based on the idea of removing the color completely and making the hair transparent and not colored with blonde. This makes it one of the best types that women accept to use, such as:
Jolene’s eyebrows bleaching powder. We put the mixture of cream and powder in equal proportions on the area after making sure that there is no sensitivity in the past. After massaging the mixture and obtaining foam, we wait five to ten minutes, then rinse the face. One of its most important advantages is that it brightens the color of the eyebrows, is easy and fast, bleaches easily and safely, moisturizes the skin and hair, opens the eyebrows in a wonderful way that guarantees you an easy and fast daily lightening and bleaching
- Wash the eyebrows well and the face with drying.
- Mix the ingredients of the dye
- Use an amount to draw the eyebrows and leave it for 10 minutes. Then we remove the rest with cotton and rinse the eyebrows
- is to choose the appropriate color for the face, hair and eyelashes.
- eyebrows
- .Very safe, does not contain chemicals so as not to irritate the skin.
Eyebrow tinting tips
- Use a good type of eyebrow dye, and one of the best eyebrow dyes is I Want Tint, I Want Proton, and Beige Eylure.
- In the event that the skin is sensitive or there is pregnancy, natural dyes such as henna
- should be resorted to. The dye intended for hair should not be used on the eyebrows based on the recommendations of beauticians Because hair dye contains very strong substances that can be tolerated by the scalp, but not tolerated by the facial skin in the eyebrows, so it is necessary to use a dye specifically
- for the eyebrows. Pay attention to a sensitivity test for the dye or bleaching product before performing the method of bleaching the eyebrows.
The best eyebrow bleaching powder
There are many distinct types of eyebrow bleaching creams that are safe on the skin and do not cause irritation. The eyebrow area is a sensitive area that needs safe ingredients and formulas that moisturize the skin. Therefore, many types of safe eyebrow bleaching powder appeared that contain natural materials and safe formulas for bleaching with ease. Usage and speed of results such as Jolene cream, Wella Blondor eyebrow bleaching cream, Joli Eva eyebrow bleaching powder, Aqua Lapint super mesh eyebrow bleaching powder.
Laser eyebrow bleaching method
The best advantages of the laser eyebrow bleaching technique are the duration of eyebrow bleaching that lasts for months without the need for re-bleaching. The method of laser bleaching eyebrows is through several sessions, or it may be one session. This differs from one person to another according to the density or color of the hair.
The method of laser bleaching eyebrows It is by shining a laser beam that makes the hair lose its color and become light and thin with a pale transparent color.
The steps of the laser eyebrow bleaching process
- will undergo. He beautician
- he result appears from the session The first is a simple operation that does not require anesthesia. Sometimes partial anesthesia is performed and
- does not require a
specialized doctor, but is performed by a plastic surgeon.
When do we resort to bleaching the eyebrows
- when the hair of the eyebrows is thick
- when the color of the eyebrow hair does not suit the eyelashes and hair
- when using a light dye on the hair or bleaching the hair
- we prefer to use the laser when we choose to keep the bleaching for a longer period or fear of using repeated dyes on the skin
- laser bleaching of the eyebrows no Fits light or sparse eyebrows.
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